Modern Slavery Statement



This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Ellipsis Brands slavery and human trafficking statement. This statement covers the activities of Ellipsis Brands production and supply chain, which procure goods and services from the UK and abroad.




Ellipsis Brands is a cosmetics company with brand names including The Elements.

We have approximately 36 staff members based in the UK who run the office and warehouse on a daily basis. Our staff are directly employed and are generally not in any category which is seen as vulnerable to modern slavery in this country. Our main focus is to ensure there are policies in place with due diligence procedures in place for our suppliers.


Supply Chain


Ellipsis Brands is committed to continuously improving its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships. We use a small range of suppliers worldwide who supply us with components.




Ellipsis Brands has a policy which underpins our approach to tackling the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain.

We work with Suppliers and Partners setting out requirements for buying goods and services. Our policy covers the issues of human rights, child and forced labour and modern slavery.


Due Diligence


We continue to monitor suppliers we believe present high modern slavery risks in our supply chain especially those suppliers in high risk countries.


Risk assessment and management

 At Ellipsis Brands we monitor our suppliers to ensure there are no slavery risk. This includes on-site visits and audits.

We are continuing to build on our procedures for this and other production areas. We have a strict supplier selection and criteria which are referred to when selecting new suppliers. This process is reviewed on a regular basis as are suppliers.

Any sudden changes in supply, quality, payment terms, personnel or any other significant change would lead to a review of that supplier.

Appropriate action will be taken if a supplier is found to promote modern human slavery in some way.




Ellipsis Brands will continue to provide advice and guidance to those who have direct responsibility for relevant supply chains. We hold on file the Transparency in supply chains practical guide. It is available to staff through Ellipsis Brands intranet. Performance indicators are used to measure the effectiveness of our policies overall.


Future - looking ahead


We will continue to enhance our procedures to help us identify, prevent and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to new and existing suppliers and in relation to our own operations.




This statement has been formally approved by the Directors of Ellipsis Brands.